Episode 56

Interview With Author Erika Romo

Erika L. Romo.  Erika is originally from Mexico, former semifinalist in Miss World Mexico 1993.  TV News Producer, Reporter, Anchor and Public Speaker for over 30 years in Mexico and in the US Virgin Islands; also, former Radio Host, and Newspaper Director.  Erika now works as a contract Program Analyst for the US Department of Justice in Finance, has her own business selling her artwork, and hand painted clothe and accessories.  Her newest project?  Becoming the author of the book  “GOD Spoke to me, he said… Get up and Leave!”

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Narrative Voices
Unveiling the Art of Storytelling

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Byrene Haney

I am Byrene Haney, the Assistant to the President of Iowa District West for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship. Drawn to Western Iowa by its inspiring mission opportunities, I dedicate myself to helping churches connect with the unconnected and disengaged in their communities. As a loving husband, father, and grandfather, I strive to create authentic spaces for conversation through my podcast and blog.